[8] Arsenia Chorti, Katerina Papadaki, Panagiotis Tsakalides, H. Vincent Poor, "The Secrecy Capacity of Block Fading Multiuser Wireless Networks", in Proc. IEEE 2013 International Conference of Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC’13), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 16-18 Oct. 2013. Best paper award [7] A. Chorti, S. Perlaza, Z. Han, H.V. Poor, "On the resilience of wireless multiuser networks to passive and active eavesdroppers", IEEE J-SAC special issue on signal processing techniques for wireless physical layer security, vol. 31, no 9, pp.1850-1863, Sep. 2013. [6] S. M. Perlaza, A. Chorti, H.V. Poor and Z. Han, "On the impact of network-state knowledge on the feasibility of secrecy", in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2013), Istanbul, Turkey, 7-12 Jul. 2013. [5] S. M. Perlaza, A. Chorti, H.V. Poor and Z. Han, "On the trade-offs between network state knowledge and secrecy", in Proc. IEEE Global Wireless Summit (GWS 2013), Atlantic City, NJ, 24-27 Jun. 2013. [4] A. Chorti, S. Perlaza, Z. Han, H.V. Poor, "Physical layer security in wireless networks with passive and active eavesdroppers", in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’12), Anaheim, USA, 3-7 Dec. 2012. [3] A. Chorti, "Helping interferer physical layer security strategies for M-QAM and M-PSK systems", in Proc. IEEE 46th Annual Conference in Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2012), Princeton NJ, USA, 21-23 Mar. 2012. [2] A. Chorti and V. Poor "Achievable secrecy rates in physical layer security systems with a helping interferer", IEEE ICNC 2012, Maui, HI, 30 Jan.-2 Feb. 2012. [1] A. Chorti and V. Poor "Faster than Nyquist interference assisted secret communication for OFDM systems", invited paper, IEEE Asilomar 2011, Pacific Grove, CA, US, 4-7 Nov. 2011. [P2] A. Chorti, K. Papadaki, P. Tsakalides and H.V. Poor, "Delay constrained secrecy capacities in OFDMA networks with causal CSI", in Poster Session on Recent Results IEEE International Symposium Information Theory (ISIT 2013), Istanbul, Turkey, 7-12 Jul. 2013. [P1] A. Chorti, "Physical layer security in wireless networks with active eavesdroppers", 1st IEEE Women’s Workshop in Communications and Signal Proc., Banff, Canada, 13-15 Jul. 2012.> [T] A. Chorti, "Physical layer security in wireless networks", IEEE Wired and Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC’12), Santorini, Greece, 6-8 Jun. 2012. (Invited Talk) |
Applied Physical Layer Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing Encryption